IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China
10–12 August 2023 // Dalian, China
Integrating Space-Air-Ground-Sea Communications



IEEE ICCC 2023 Workshop on

3rd Workshop on Integrated Sensing, Computation, and Communication for V2X

Dalian, China|10-12 August 2023



Intelligent Connected Vehicles (ICVs) are envisioned as an emerging technology for ensuring driving safety and improving traffic efficiency for next-generation autonomous driving vehicles. Currently, autonomous driving technology is mainly built upon single-vehicle intelligence, which collects environmental data through multiple on-board sensors, and then trains deep neural networks (DNNs) for realizing a variety of self-driving applications, e.g., lane detection and obstacle avoidance. Nonetheless, the insufficient single-vehicle perception and computation abilities are unable to guarantee efficient processing of sensory information, as well as high-reliability control of vehicles, which may cause critical car accidents in complex environments. Although wireless communication functionality is leveraged to develop a vehicle-to-everything (V2X) network, which enables information sharing among vehicles and infrastructures, state-of-the-art V2X technologies only provide limited wireless connectivity, and thus fail to support high data-rate and low-latency transmission required by distributed learning applications among vehicles.

To address the above crucial challenges, Integrated Sensing, Communication, and Computation (ISCC) technology is envisioned as a promising solution. In general, ISCC represents a paradigm shift where previously isolated functionlities are synergistically designed to improve the efficiency, acquiring mutual performance gains, and eventually improving the autonomous driving performance. As a result, ISCC requires coordination and co-design among the three functionalities above. Despite having drawn huge attention from both academia and industry, many open problems are still to be investigated. This workshop aims at bringing together researchers from academia and industry to identify and discuss the major technical challenges, recent breakthroughs, and novel applications related to ISCC.



  • Fundamental information theoretical limits for ISCC
  • Edge computing/computing offloading for ISCC
  • Network architectures/transmission protocols/frame designs for ISCC
  • Spectrum analysis and management of ISCC
  • Full duplex/interference management techniques of ISCC
  • Modulation/waveform/precoding/receiver design for ISCC
  • Security and privacy issues for ISCC
  • Machine learning methods in ISCC
  • MIMO/Massive MIMO/intelligent reflecting surface (IRS)/Holographic MIMO surface for ISCC
  • Millimeter wave/THz technologies for ISCC
  • ISCC for 6G vehicular-to-everything (V2X) network
  • Standardization progress of ISCC
  • Wi-Fi sensing/positioning/detection for ISCC
  • Experimental demonstrations, testbeds and prototypes


Organizing Committee


Steering Committee Members:


General Co-Chairs:


Technical Program Co-Chair:


Submission Procedure:


The submitted papers should be original, not published or currently under review for publications in any other journal or conference. All submissions must be formatted in standard IEEE camera-ready format and must be written in English and be at most six (6) printed pages in length, including figures. Papers should be submitted through EDAS System.
